1. Trustee reports. There is one due the end of this month. There are a few post that are behind. If your records show you are up to date, check with Department and get it cleaned up. 2. Program Reports. Those are due to department by 15 April 2020. There are three post that do not have any Programs logged this year. 3. 990’s. If you have submitted one in 2 year, get it in.4. Delegate Fees It is $4.00 per 30 Members as of 6 May 2020 5. Poppies Your need to purchase at least five Poppies per-member based on 30 June 2019 membership.
6. Membership This is the perfect time to call your members, especially the ones that have lapsed in their membership or have not renewed in the last few months. Check on them to see how they are dealing with the Virus and to make a plug to renew their membership.