Sponsored by VFW Riders Post 10648 Princeton, Nebraska

The Nebraska Veteran's Awareness Ride is a riding event across Nebraska. During thisride, participants visit

Veterans homes to spend time with vets and thank them for their service. Participants also visit Veterans memorials across the State and reflect on the importance of veterans in our society.And finally, participants can visit National Cemeteries to honor military personnel who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.Our objective is to honor, support,and remember all the men and women from all branches of military service.Not only do we want to recognize those who served in past wars, but also those who serve today to defend our freedom.

A major benefactor of contributions will be the VFW National Home for Children. This organization serves as a living memorial to America's veterans by helping our nation's military and veteran families during difficult times

Each participant can earn a patch by paying a $25.00 annual registration fee to the Nebraska State VFW. Once registered, you will have an opportunity to earn points necessary to receive an official "Veterans Memorial Ride across Nebraska patch. Patches will be given to all attendees who have earned 10 points during their first year of participation and rockers for gaining points during each additional year.



  • Memorial ride will be open to Veterans and non-Veterans
  • 10 points will be required to earn a patch or rocker.
  • Participants must fill out a ride "Completion Form" to document their visits. This form contains information about each visit to include pictures.
  • Participants should visit different memorials each year.
  • While this event is sponsored by the VFW riders, you are welcome to participatevia motorcycle or automobile.


Point System:

1 point - Visit a Veteran's memorial in Nebraska. 2 points - Visit a National Cemetery in Nebraska.

3 points - Visit a Nebraska Veterans home and spend time with a Veteran. 3 points - Visit the Nebraska grave of a Medal of Honor recipient.

Participants can ride alone or as part of an organized group. Points can be earned one ride at a time or all 10 can be earned on a single ride on any given day. You are free to set any schedule you like and earn points at whatever pace you like.


Print out ride form CLICK HERE



Bob Howard
